Test, Exam and Assessment Results & Performance Measures.
Our Results
We are really proud of our students and are determined to maintain an environment where students grow, learn and develop to the best of their academic ability. We are proud of our staff who ensure all students’ needs are met through a personalised education which enables them to flourish and become well rounded citizens and reach their full potential.
To see the latest school performance tables, on the Department for Education website, .
GCSE Results 2023/24 | |
Progress 8 score | 0.27 (above National Average) |
Attainment 8 score | 53.1 (above National Average) |
% achieving 9-5 in English & Mathematics | 59.3% (above National Average) |
% achieving 9-4 in English & Mathematics | 74.8% (above National Average) |
% of Students entered for the English Baccalaureate | 16.7% |
Ebacc Average Point Score - APS | 4.52 (above National Average) |
% of students staying in education or employment after Key Stage 4 | 94% (above National Average) |